Top 5 Tips For Dealing With Postpartum Back Pain

Top 5 Tips For Dealing With Postpartum Back Pain

Unfortunately if you’re a new mom, it’s quite likely you’ll suffer from lower back pain during or after pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy with the growing weight and size of your baby, the body changes in a number of dramatic ways.

To offset your baby bump, the spine has to curve more to provide you with support and stability. This growth of your baby and the additional pounds that comes along with it, leads to serious postural changes.

Postpartum back pain may be made worse by the fresh challenges faced by all new moms. For example, things such as moving the baby, feeding in positions where an uncomfortable angle may have to be held for some time and changing nappies etc

If you’re a new mom wanting to lose your pregnancy weight, go here to learn more – The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan

What many would consider to be easy tasks such as getting your baby in and out of pushchairs or car seats, or moving play toys around, can cause very uncomfortable movements and awkward bending actions.

Ok so what’s the solution?

Well, you clearly can’t stop doing everything and many tasks are just part of everyday life for a new mom. So the key to postpartum back pain is to manage the symptoms.

Important points to take away from this are to minimise the discomfort and avoid doing anything that puts your back at risk and secondly to improve the strength of the area…

Here are Top 5 Tips…

#1 If you need to do anything which requires you to bend over, check your posture before you do. NEVER go straight in to a bend without first readying yourself. You should always bend the knees and keep the back straight. Hold and squeeze your tummy muscles in as you do so.

Keep your knees above and in line with your feet when reaching down to the floor to avoid any risk of injury.

#2 When moving groceries protect your lower back and shoulders by carrying the weight evenly between both arms. Concentrate on standing tall with your stomach muscles pulled in, your chest lifted and shoulders back.

#3 When changing your baby, use a solid, level surface at a good height for you to be able to stand without stooping. Another good idea is to make sure you have everything you need close at hand before your get started so you don’t need to twist or reach. Don’t leave your baby unattended if he or she is being changed on a raised surface.

#4 When lifting, always brace yourself before you start.

Try getting in to a stable position but also keep the thing you are lifting close to your body. Always steer clear of moving or lifting anything too heavy.

#5 Postpartum back pain can be improved by tightening and strengthening the muscles of the tummy and low back. You can start doing them the day following giving birth whether naturally or via c section.

They include a sequence of very simple pelvic tilting movements done regularly. These will help to both realign the tummy muscles and increase strength and stability to the entire core area. These are different to pelvic floor exercises and YOU MUST UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO SIT UPS.

If you’re suffering from postpartum back pain, you must be cautious in the type of movements you do. You’ll definitely benefit from following a postpartum exercise routine to ensure that you don’t suffer from any long term injuries.

If you’re a new mom wanting to lose your pregnancy weight, go here to learn more – The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan