Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how information and data is collected from you when you use this online website, mobile website, application, digital service, or any related products, services, sites, features or functionality (each a “Service”, collectively the “Services”) and how Jago Holmes Ltd., including its subsidiaries/affiliates uses, shares and manages your information and data. By using any of the Services, you consent to the collection, use, processing, and sharing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

1. Our Privacy Principles
We are committed to recognizing and respecting your privacy rights by keeping you informed and processing and protecting your personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations (“Data Protection Laws”).

If you are located outside of the United States and you choose to use the Services or provide your information to us, your data may be transferred to, processed and maintained on servers, databases or cloud storage facilities located in the United States. Your use of the Services represents your consent and agreement to these practices. If you do not want your data transferred to or processed or maintained in the United States, you should not use the Services.

2. Information that We Collect from You
Account Data You Directly and Voluntarily Provide to Us
We may collect and process some or all of the following information you make available to us if you register, download or use the Services, such as your:

Email Address
Mailing Address
Phone Number
User Name

Other Registration Information
Customer Support or Technical Information you provide when you contact us with questions about your use of the Services
Details of transactions you carry out through the Services, your purchases, and the fulfillment of orders we may provide to you
Other information you may provide to us through promotions or surveys

User Profile Data
In addition to the data listed above, we may offer you the option to create a user profile to describe yourself that may be visible to other users of the Services. If you are a registered user you may also be able to adjust your account settings through your user account. We note that, even if you adjust your settings so that your user profile remains private, we will still be able to access and view the information you provide as part of your user profile.

Public Data You Post Through the Services
If you post information on public areas of the Services, such as reviews, comments, and user content, that data may be collected and used by us, other users of the Services, and the public generally. We strongly recommend that you do not post any information through the Services that allows strangers to identify or locate you or that you otherwise do not want to share with the public.

Usage Data We Automatically Collect from You
In addition to the information you provide to us, the Services may collect and process additional data automatically, this data may include your:

Device Registration Data (for example, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device’s unique device or advertising ID, IP address, operating system and browser type),

Device Settings (for example, your language preference)

Mobile Carrier

Information about how you use the Services (for example, how many times you use the Services each day)

Requested and Referring URLs

Location Data collected through your Device (including, for example, precise location data such as GPS and WiFi information)

Information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies including, but not limited to, your IP address and domain name, your browser version and operating system, traffic data, location data, web logs and other communication data, and the resources that you access

3. How We Use Your Information
In this section, we set out the purposes for which we use personal information that we collect when you use the Services. In relation to EU Users, we are required under applicable Data Protection Laws, to identify the legal bases on which we rely to process the information.

Providing the Services, Improving the Services, Providing Support, and Communicating With You
We and our service providers may use the data you provide or that is collected through the Services to operate and improve the Services, our other sites, applications, products and services, to contact you from time to time to provide you with important information and notices relating to the Services, and to carry out obligations arising from any agreements between you and us.

Legal Bases: contract performance, legitimate interests (to correspond with you, to enable us to provide you with the Services and to improve the Services)
Providing Marketing and Promotion Materials

We and our service providers may use the data you provide or that is collected through the Services to provide you with updates, offers, and promotions, where you have chosen to receive these. We may also use your information for marketing our own and our selected business partners’ products and services to you by email and, where required by law, we will ask for your consent at the time we collect your data to conduct any of these types of marketing. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications from us by email, please follow the instructions contained in each email you receive from us describing how you can unsubscribe from receiving further marketing communications from us.

Advertising and Third Party Content and Links
The Services may be supported through advertising, and we may work with advertisers and advertising networks to provide advertising through the Services. We may provide these advertisers and advertising networks with the ability to collect data about how you interact with the Services and, if applicable, your mobile device. This data may include the unique device or advertising identifier associated with your device and your precise location data, in order to help analyze and serve targeted advertising on the Services and elsewhere (including third-party sites and applications). In addition, the Services may include third-party content and links to other third-party websites.

These advertisers, advertising networks, and third parties may use cookies, pixels, and web beacons to track the actions of users online over time and across different websites or platforms in order to deliver targeted electronic advertisements to an individual user.

For information about how tracking works for online advertising purposes you can visit or http:/// We do not have access to or control over cookies, pixels or web beacons that third-party websites or partners may use. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these third-party websites. You are encouraged to review the privacy policies of the different websites that you visit.

If you access the Services through a browser, your browser may allow you to adjust your browser settings so that “Do Not Track” requests are sent to the websites that you visit. However, we will not disable tracking technology that may be active on the Services in response to any Do Not Track requests that we receive from your browser. You can change your privacy preferences regarding the use of cookies and other similar technologies through your browser. You may set your browser to accept all cookies, block certain cookies, require our consent before a cookie is placed in your browser, or block all cookies. Blocking all cookies will affect your online experience and may prevent you from enjoying the full features offered through the Services.

Legal Bases: consent, legitimate interest where consent is not required (to enable us to provide you with an experience related to your interests)

Analytics Services
We may also work with third party analytics companies to help us understand how the Services are being used, such as data collection, reporting, ad response measurement, website and mobile application analytics, and to assist with delivery of relevant marketing messages and advertisements.
We may use Google Analytics, an analytics service provided by Google or other third party analytics services providers (“Analytics Services”) to collect information about your use of the Services. These Analytics Services may collect information about the content you view and your system information and geographic information. The information generated by the Analytics Services about your use of the Services will be transmitted to and stored by the Analytics Services. The information collected by the Analytics Services allows us to analyze your use of the Services.

We encourage you to review your device and Services settings to ensure they are consistent with your preferences, including with respect to the collection and use of information. You may be able to stop further collection of certain data by the Services by updating your applicable device settings, or you may uninstall the Services. In addition, you may choose not to share your location details by adjusting your mobile device’s location services settings. For instructions on changing the relevant settings, please contact your service provider/carrier or device manufacturer.

Legal Bases: legitimate interest where consent is not required (to enable us to provide you with an experience relevant to your interests)

Purchases and Payment Processors
If you make a purchase through the Services, you may be able to pay using a third-party payment service, such as Shopify, PayPal, Apple Pay, Clickbank, Amazon Pay or other third-party payment services. All information collected by these third-party payment services for purposes of processing your payments is not available to us, unless you have otherwise provided this information to us in connection with your use of the Services. Information collected from you by these third-party payment services is governed by the applicable third-party payment service’s privacy policy. You should review the applicable privacy policy prior to submitting any information to the applicable third-party payment service.

Legal Bases: consent, legitimate interests (to enable us to perform our obligations and provide the Services to you); contract performance

Promotions, Sweepstakes, and Contests
From time to time, we may host a promotion, sweepstakes, or content on the Services. You may be asked to provide personal information or permit the transfer of your personal information to a third party in connection with such promotion, sweepstakes or content. The parties who privacy policy applies will be disclosed at point of collection or transfer and you will have a choice of whether or not you wish to permit such transfer or collection of information to a third party.

If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications from us by email, please follow the instructions contained in each email you receive from us describing how you can unsubscribe from receiving further marketing communications from us. If you are a registered user you may also be able to adjust your email settings by logging in to your account and adjusting your account settings.

Legal Bases: consent, legitimate interests where consent is not required (to keep you updated with news in relation to our products and services)

4. How Your Information is Shared with Third Parties
We may share the information you provide or that we collect in some circumstances as follows:
With Advertisers
We may share your information with advertisers, third-party advertising networks and analytics companies who may use it to deliver targeted advertisements to you on the Services or third-party websites or advertisers. Similarly, these advertisers may share information with us about you that they have independently gathered or acquired. We may also share encrypted versions of information we have collected in order to enable our advertising partners to perform data analysis or for advertising-related use.

With Our Partner Programs
If you are directed to the Services through a third party, we may share certain information back with that third party, which may include information such as name, email and value of purchase depending on the type of relationship or Services utilized.

With Our Service Providers
We may share your information with our service providers who work on our behalf. For example, these service providers may handle payment or credit card processing, data management, customer data pooling or aggregating, feature administration, email distribution, market research, information analysis, and promotions management. These service providers will only have access to the information needed to perform these limited functions on our behalf.

Social Media and Sharing
The Services may use social networking or “share functionality” or may contain links to third-party social media sites or applications that are not owned or controlled by us. We also may allow you to use social media sites or applications to leverage your existing social media site or application accounts to access features of the Services.

Your use of these features may result in the collection or sharing of information about you by these sites or applications, depending on the feature.

We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, any share functionality or the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party site or application. We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media sites or applications with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that may be collected, used, and shared by those sites. You are subject to the policies of those third parties when and where applicable

As Required By Law or to Protect Rights and to Comply with Our Policies
To the extent permitted by law, we will disclose your information to government authorities or third parties, including national security or law enforcement agencies, if required to do so by law, or if requested in response to a subpoena or court order, we believe in our sole and absolute discretion that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect against fraud, to protect the property or other rights of us or other users, third parties or the public at large, or we believe that you have abused the Services by using it to attack other systems or to gain unauthorized access to any other system, to engage in spamming or otherwise to violate applicable laws or in violation of our Terms of Use. You should be aware that, following disclosure to any third party, your information may be accessible by others to the extent permitted or required by applicable law.

Business Transfers or Bankruptcy
In the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other sale of all or a portion of our assets or any business, any user information owned or controlled by us may be one of the assets transferred to third parties in such transaction or event. We reserve the right, as part of this type of transaction or event, to transfer or assign your information and other information we have collected from users of the Services to third parties. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred user information will be subject to this Privacy Policy. However, any information you submit or that is collected after this type of transfer may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by the successor entity or acquirer, as applicable.

5. Your Rights Under Applicable Data Protection Laws
We acknowledge your right to access and control your personal data in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws.

Effective May 25th, 2018, if you are subject to European Union Data Protection Laws (“EU Users”), our processing of your personal data will comply with the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
Accessing, Correcting or Deleting Your Information
For EU Users, to request access to or correction of your personal data in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws, you may send an e-mail to

Please include your registration information you provided through the Services. We may ask you to provide additional information for identity verification purposes, or to verify that you are in possession of an applicable email account.

For EU Users, if you’d like us to delete information that you have provided through the Services, please contact us at and we will respond in a reasonable time in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws. Please note that some or all of the information you provided may be required in order for the Services to function properly or may be automatically retained in backup storage or records retention archival storage.
Portability of Your Personal Data

For EU Users, should you request it, we will provide you with an electronic file of your basic account information and the information under your sole control in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws.
Data portability is the ability to obtain some of your information in a format you can move from one service provider to another in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws. Depending on the context and applicable Data Protection Laws, this applies to some of your information, but not to all of your information.

7. California Residents
If you are a California resident under the age of 18 and are a registered user of the Services, you may request that we remove content or information about you that you posted on the Services by: (a) submitting a request in writing to; and (b) clearly identifying the content or information you wish to have removed and providing sufficient information to allow us to locate the content or information to be removed. However, please note that we are not required to, and may not be able to, erase or otherwise eliminate content or information if: (i) other state or federal laws require us or a third party to maintain the content or information; (ii) the content or information was posted, stored, or republished by another user; (iii) the content or information is anonymized so that you cannot be individually identified; (iv) you do not follow the instructions posted in this Privacy Policy on how to request removal of your content or information; or (v) you have received compensation or other consideration for providing the content. Further, nothing in this provision shall be construed to limit the authority of a law enforcement agency to obtain the applicable content or information.

8. The Privacy of Children
The Services are not intended for children under age 16. We do not knowingly collect or distribute personal information from or about children under the age of 16. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at

9. Security Measures and Storage Limits
We provide industry-standard physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal data we process and maintain. For example, we take reasonable measures to limit access to this data to authorized employees and contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our Services. Please be aware that, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for data we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches. As a result, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit on or through the Services and you do so at your own risk.

Our retention periods for personal data are based on our business needs and legal requirements. We retain personal data for as long as is necessary for the processing purpose(s) for which the information was collected, and any other permissible, related purpose. For example, we may retain certain transaction details and correspondence until the time limit for claims arising from the transaction has expired, or to comply with regulatory requirements regarding the retention of such data. When personal data is no longer needed, we either irreversibly anonymize the data (and we may further retain and use the anonymized information) or securely destroy the data.

10. Updates to this Privacy Policy
We will notify you of material changes to this Privacy Policy by at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of the changes. If you do not agree to such changes following such notice, you should discontinue your use of the Services prior to the time the modified privacy policy takes effect. If you continue using the Services after the modified privacy policy takes effect, you will be bound by the modified privacy policy

11. Contact Us
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at or send a letter to:
Jago Holmes Ltd
1 Paradise Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

We will do our best to respond to you in a timely and professional manner to answer your questions and resolve your concerns.